For passengers travelling from the Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, Click Here


Air Creebec will gradually resume its scheduled flights with respect and at the pace of the communities it serves.

As an essential service, with evolving measures that exceed the requirements of Transport Canada, Air Creebec has continued charter flights since the beginning of the pandemic, either for the transportation of patients or workers who maintain work sites. The vast majority of these flights are operated from our private terminal in Dorval (FBO,) accessible via Ryan Avenue, which provides passengers with access to our exclusive boarding gate.



From the airport terminals, your temperature will be taken at the airport by a Security Screening Agent or Airport Authority Personel  as part of screening procedures prior to departure.

You are solely responsible for access to boarding and Air Creebec is not responsible for denied access.

More information for YUL

Prior to departure all passengers travelling to Whapmagoostui must obtain a Nunavik Territory Access Authorisation (NTAA) issued by the Nunavik Regional Authorities.
Fill out your NTAA request at 
*if you have any difficulties completing the document, you can get help from the Covid-19 Info-Health line at 1-888-662-7482

Passengers not showing a valid NTAA at check-in will be denied boarding.
This travel condition is in accordance with an order issued by the Regional Director of Health public in Nunavik.
For any other inter-community travel or from north to south, there is no need to for an NTAA.

Please call Air Creebec reservations at 1-800-567-6567 for schedule information and to purchase your ticket.

By Air Creebec  – The purpose of this document is to provide an understanding of the measures that should be taken to minimize the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our workforce, operations and neighboring communities.

Consult the PDF

If you still have QUESTIONS, please consider contacting us by email at or use the form below.

Safe air travel is critically important to Canadians. In such a large and diverse country, Canadians count on it to provide essential services, to visit loved ones, to conduct business, to move cargo, and to explore and discover our nation. In particular, our remote and Northern communities rely heavily on air travel to receive critical supplies, including medical supplies, and to access health care and other essential services.

Consult PDF from Canada Government


Face covering requirements for air travellers – Since April 20th, 2020

Following the recommendations of the public health agencies, and to ensure everyone’s protection, the wearing of a mask or face covering is mandatory at all times in terminals and all closed area, including our Montréal FBO.

Travellers must confirm that they have in their possession the mandatory non-medical mask or face covering as part of the registration or check-in process otherwise they will not be allowed to continue on their journey.

The Government of Canada is asking that all travellers have a removable non-medical mask or face covering large enough to cover their mouth and nose during their travel through Canadian airports and in-flight.

For more information:

About non-medical masks and face coverings

FAQ – Face Coverings Requirements for Air Travellers


Procedures to help minimize possible exposure to Coronavirus (Since March 28, 2020) Following  new regulations issued by Transport Canada regarding the Coronavirus, please find procedures to help minimize possible exposure to Coronavirus, which are in effect.

In order to manage the spread of COVID-19, the Government of Canada, along with the provinces and territories have put in place some new measures.

Prior to boarding a flight you will be required to undergo a health check and a verification that you have a face covering or mask to cover your mouth and nose This will involve answering a few simple questions to which you must answer truthfully. Providing a false or misleading answer could result in a maximum fine of $5,000. See the questions.

We would ask for your immediate, truthful, response in answering questions from the agent as well as when an agent denies you boarding. (See questions)

We are very thankful for everything you do to help all of us in overcoming this virus. We are confident you feel the same way!

In consideration for other passengers on board, we strongly recommend that you wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before boarding as well!

Rest assured that we are cleaning and disinfecting the aircraft on a stepped schedule.

Thank you for your cooperation, we appreciate it greatly.

All our employees will wear face coverings or will be behind Plexiglas partitions.

We understand our passengers may have questions about their travel plans and steps Air Creebec is taking to ensure their safety and that of our crew and other employees in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19).
As a result of the global pandemic facing us and after careful consideration of our passengers, our employees and the need to flatten the curve of infection for the population as a whole, Air Creebec has decided to further reduce our scheduled flights. This is a dynamic situation which we take very seriously and are making all efforts to be a good corporate citizen while maintaining a level of service to the remote and isolated communities we serve. We are actively changing our operations to adjust for the betterment and protection of all.
While the decision did not come without much discussion, we firmly believe it is in the best interest of all to do so. At this time, we do not intend to cease all service as we view the service we provide to our passengers and our clients as essential. We will do our utmost to continue providing an adequate level of service while acting with social responsibility to the population as a whole.
Please refer to our search flight block above for flight schedules as they may change depending on restrictions enforced, the need to protect all those we service and our employees and to encourage actions to be undertaken to assist in controlling the COVID-19 virus.
If you still have questions after reading below, please consider contacting us directly.

Safety is Air Creebec’s top priority and we are committed to providing our passengers and employees a safe travel and work environment.

Public health risk is continually reassessed as new information becomes available. Please consult the Coronavirus (COVID-19) page on for the latest information including travel advice.

We encourage our passengers and employees to travel with their own regulation-size hand sanitizers or disinfectant wipes (in containers 100 ml/100 g or less) and to engage in effective preventative measures.

The most recent travel advisories for Canada are available here.

Air Creebec aircraft are given a light groom after every connecting flight, a full groom every 24-hours, a complete interior detail monthly and an enhanced hyper-focused groom periodically as required, such as following the transport of a person who is known or suspected of having contracted COVID-19, other infectious illnesses, or has accidently expelled bodily fluids.

In response to the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Air Creebec has taken additional precautionary measures to disinfect aircraft daily at our main bases. Provisions to disinfect at connecting bases are also available as required.

We are continuing to clean with our approved products, including disinfectant wipes and sprays known to be effective against COVID-19.

These products are used on tray tables as well as general seating areas to ensure all guest contact surfaces are thoroughly disinfected. These products are used to accomplish the cleaning of our galleys, lavatories, tray tables, seat armrests, headrests, seat belt buckles, the PSU panel, overhead bin door latches and lavatory door handles.

The idea that all aircraft air is recirculated is a common misconception. On our aircraft, fresh air is introduced into the cabin continuously in order to maintain pressurization. As such the air is constantly refreshed.

As indicated above, human Coronaviruses cause infections of the nose, throat and lungs. They are most spread from an infected person through:

  • respiratory droplets generated when you cough or sneeze
  • close, prolonged personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands
  • touching something with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose or eyes before washing your hands

We encourage all passengers and employees to follow  preventative measures in place.

More information is available here

You will be required to wear a face covering in the plane and inside any building. All passengers over 2 years old.

Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. When you wear a mask, then you must know how to use it and dispose of it properly.

Hand washing is still the preferred method. Alcohol based hand rub is effective but too common a use could possibly lead to the development of microbes and viruses that develop an immunity to these products. That, apparently, does not happen with soap and water.

More information on masks is available here on WHO’s website.

Should a passenger present ill or fall ill during travel, our agents and crews are capable of handling scenarios and situations that can arise on the ground or on board our aircraft. They have access to local health authorities as needed.

It is the agent’s and crew’s duty to assess, refuse or move anyone who is exhibiting signs of not being fit to fly due to illness.

The only area in which we operate to have any persons infected with COVID-19 is Montreal and the airport there has a program in place to monitor for such passengers.

It’s important to self-identify so that our employees can ensure your safety along with the safety of other passengers and crew. Agents and crews are trained to handle multiple scenarios and situations that can arise on the ground or on board our aircraft. Local health authorities can be called in as needed.

Given this exceptional situation, the first 2 rows on our commercial flights will be kept free, to promote social distancing. In agreement with most of our clients for chartered flights, we will avoid using the front row to limit the risk of virus spread and promote social distancing. We understand that this limits the number of seats available, however, these are exceptional measures for a situation that is just as unusual. This procedure allows us to maximize the chances of continuing our services without the risk of interruption due to a lack of air crew.

Please note, that our counter agents will ask you to hold your ID card rather than touch it. They will also ask you questions about your condition in order to allow you access to boarding. Thank you for your collaboration as our goal is to protect all passengers.

You will be required to wear a face covering in the plane. All passengers over 2 years old.
Our pilots and flight attendants will wear face coverings throughout the flight.

We encourage our passengers and employees to travel with their own regulation-size hand sanitizers or disinfectant wipes (in containers 100 ml/100 g or less) and to engage in effective preventative measures.

Meals are no longer served on our commercial flights. No snacks, no beverage, no coffee. Only water and juices are available in case of diabetic passenger need. Provision of this type of service is also under review for our charter customers.

All media material from the seat pockets (magazine, newspapers and others) have been removed. Only the security card is available in the seat pocket. This card is also on the list of items to be cleaned.

Please refer to our bloc “SEARCH FLIGHT” above for more information or contact our reservation office at 800 657-6567. 

You may find the hours below.

You will find more information on the Freight and Parcel page

For more information on our services in Quebec, call 514-636-8501.

For more information on our services in Ontario, call 705-264-9521-extension 3159.

If you still have QUESTIONS, please consider contacting us and select the subject of you choice. For schedule, flight or tariff condition, please select “Customer Service”.

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